A Heart Warrior in the NICU | University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital Photographer

I had the privilege to meet this little precious beauty in the NICU not long ago.  She was born at 38 weeks, weighing 4lbs 13oz.  Due to her weight she was considered a preemie.  This sweetness has a severe congenital heart defect called HRHS.  She spent the first 8 days of her life in the NICU and has now been transferred over to the CVICU because eventually she will need a heart surgery and is currently awaiting a heart transplant.  Lot’s of prayers and positive thoughts go out to this lovely family.

This month I’m also participating in a blog circle.  These are super fun to see what is going on outside our little bubble here in Minnesota.   Want to know what’s going on in Kalamazoo?  Head to the end of this blog post to find out . . . .

But first this most beautiful NICU baby . . .

Tara Fletcher a Kalamazoo Lifestyle Photographer will be talking about a winter lifestyle session (my favorite!), in Southwest Michigan.  Click her link above to be taken over to her blog.

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Michele is a lifestyle portrait photographer in North Oaks, Minnesota.  She photographs children and their families both on location and in her studio in Northeast Minneapolis.  To schedule your next session with Michele please visit mQn Photography | Twin Cities Photographer or e-mail michele@mqnphotography.com

Michele is also a participating photographer with The Tiny Footprints Project which provides free photography for families living in the NICU.  To see how you can help or to request a session please visit www.thetinyfootprintsproject.org

NICU to ICC | Children’s Hospital Minneapolis NICU Photographer

I meet this little angel just a few weeks ago.  She was born 25 weeks gestation along with her identical twin sister on Saint Patrick’s day this year.  Unfortunately after a long hard fight with sIUGR while pregnant and a hard 49 day fight after being born her sister passed away. But this little beauty is still here working on breathing without oxygen and struggling to finish a bottle. They haved moved out of the NICU and into the ICC (infant care center) so hopefully they are on their way home soon.

Michele is a lifestyle portrait photographer in North Oaks, Minnesota.  She loves giving back to her community and with through the organization of The Tiny Footprints Project she is able to offer free photo sessions to families staying in the NICU.  For more information on how you can help or to schedule your own NICU session please visit www.thetinyfootprintsproject.org  If you would like to schedule your next photo session with Michele please visit mQn Photography | Twin Cities Photographer or e-mail michele@mqnphotography.com

NICU to PICU | Minnesota Children’s Hospital NICU Photographer, Minneapolis Minnesota

I’m so excited to share another NICU session from the Minnesota Children’s Hospital.  I know I say this every time but I just love love love meeting these little fighters and photographing them.  I really feel honored to be welcomed into their lives for 30 minutes and then I get to go home and look at their precious little faces for at least a month while I edit them.  The only downside is I’m not allowed to snuggle buggle them.  I think I need one of those baby snugglers job.  I’d be really good at it.

In any event, take a look at this absolutely adorable baby!  This little guy has been in the hospital since he was born in October.  They spent a week in the NICU and he had his first heart surgery at 1 week old.   Soon after they were moved to CVCC.   Poor little peanut struggled to get off of his breathing tube so ended up having to get a trach because of his underdeveloped lungs.  When I visited they were now on the PICU. They have been in there for over 4 months and I’m so blessed to be able to take his pictures since he hadn’t had any yet.  Meet my newest TTFP NICU to PICU baby:

Michele is a lifestyle portrait photographer in North Oaks and Northeast Minneapolis Minnesota.  She photographs mainly children and their families.  Michele is also a participating photographer with The Tiny Footprints Project photographing babies in the NICU with gifted sessions.  For more information on TTFP please visit the link above.  To schedule your next session with Michele please visit mQn Photography | Twin Cities Minnesota Photographer